Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Two Cent Tech Launches!

Hello world!

As I go about my day-to-day routine, I realize how much I love gadgets. I LOVE gadgets.

With that in mind, I have decided to do like so many others and write my thoughts about the ups and downs of the tech we surround ourselves with.

So, it's short and sweet, but here's my hello. Here's to technology ... and writing about it.

About Me

My photo
Hello, I'm a 27 year old Texan living in Amarillo, Texas. I'm a Christian and work at my church as a project manager for our creative department. I hold pretty firm and outspoken views and enjoy writing. So I'm combining those two things to create this blog and hope all others that have that in common will join me in discussion here. So set this bad boy on follow because we'll have a lot to talk about. :)